Leaders in the industry
GEM are proudly a 100% owned and run Australian Company serving Exploration miners in our country. We consistently act with integrity and a win-win frame of mind. This drives a strong sense of purpose for the business where our approach is guided by our values and unwavering principles. Evident within our daily operations and our work practices.
Our legacy in Geophysics is demonstrating business initiative, insight and forward-thinking. Engaging and empowering the industry by introducing the Jessy High Temp SQUID (HTS) technology to Australia in 2013. GEM have conducted extensive ground work over more than a decade with the SQUIDS and conclusively proven to Industry colleagues and professionals that this technology is superior in defining resource targets, at incredible depths, discoverable with extreme accuracy. Presently, demand for SQUID technology and our extensive operational experience, remains exceptionally high.
Bringing innovation to the fore, for the betterment of the Exploration Industry along with a wealth of knoweldge using SQUIDs sets GEM apart. We offer these increased benefits to our customers, ultimately advantaging their exploration programs. Additionally, we have developed a strong leadership group with Chief Geophysicist Ben Morgan at the Company’s helm since establishment in 2003. Our Field operators and technicians are highly trained, skilled and committed to our Company values. Well supported by our expert and proficient managerial and operational support team. Where our people have the ability to not just focus on meeting operational goals but so too, achieving success for our clients.
GEM’s reputation is second to none and reflected in the strength of the relationships we have developed with all our clients, many of whom are long standing. Our customers understand our investment and genuine commitment to utilising cuttting edge technology and appreciate that we can deliver quality results. With a professional workforce and reliable equipment fleet, GEM have the ability to mobilise quickly and work productively. Delivering what we say we can do, day-in and day-out for our customers.

The explorer’s choice
GEM are leaders in the industry bringing HTS SQUID technology to Australia over 10 years ago