Discovering your resources

Discovering your resources

Discovering your resources

Accurate at incredible depth

We use advanced geophysical technology that’s specifically designed to target mineral discovery of conductive sub surface anomalies such as Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposits. Significant resources in the world’s drive for clean energy.

Finding resources within conductive sulphide

The technology we use has proven to be pivotel in enabling access to our client’s resources at an increased depth, both cost effectively and safely, allowing us to deliver on what we say we can do.

The explorer’s choice

GEM specialise in Ground Electromagnetic Surveys

EM provides crucial geophysical information for Explorers to define or discover prospects within their project area.

During an Electromagnetic survey, using the principle of induction, an electric current of known frequency and magnitude is pulsed through a large transmitter loop generating a primary magnetic field. The magnetic component of an EM field penetrating through ground induces alternating currents or “eddy currents” to flow within the conductor in the presence of a conducting orebody. The “eddy currents” generate their own secondary EM field distorting the primary field. The subsequent measuring of the response occurs as it propagates through the subsurface. The response differs in phase, amplitude, and direction. The ratio of the magnitudes of the primary and secondary currents is proportional to the terrain conductivity.

Ground Electromagnetic techniques are proficient in direct detection of conductive sulfide deposits, in which large conductivity contrasts exist between the orebodies and host rocks or overburden cover. EM surveys rely on the response of the ground to variations in electric and magnetic forces where the target is moderately to highly conductive. The depth of penetration of an EM field depends upon its frequency and the electrical conductivity of the medium through which it is propagating. The differences between transmitted, and received EM field reveal the presence of a conductor. Providing information on its geometry and electrical properties. Conductivity and resistivity are the inverse of each other. Resistive zones will return a weak response whereas conductive zones will return a strong response. These changes are detected by receivers as data which is then processed to provide crutial information about the conducting material in terms of geometry and intensity.

Industry Memberships

Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics

Triple Accreditation

Gem celebrates 20 years in 2023

Depth of knowledge

We have a deep understanding of geophysical concepts together with quality data acquisition methods. GEM have the know-how to apply this knowledge to various geological landscapes. Enabling us, to not only meet, but often go beyond our client’s exploration expectations

Strong relationships

Our reputation is reflected in the strength of the relationships we have developed with all our clients, many of whom are long standing. We are transparent in our approach and build robust collaborative relationships with our customers to problem solve and deliver quality results.

Expert technology

GEM are focussed on bringing advanced technology to our customer’s projects in the most collaborative, planned and structured way possible. 

Finding deep discoveries

The technology we use has proven to be pivotel in enabling access to our client’s resources at an increased depth, both cost effectively and safely, allowing us to deliver on what we say we can do.

“Working with gem is always a pleasure. Data quality and production rates are outstanding. Field crews work autonomously and proactively, with a great work ethic. Gem never fail to provide professional and reliable surveys with the latest high quality sensors. We look forward to continuing to work with gem for all our ground em needs.”

Louise L’Oste-Brown Geophysicist at Minotaur Exploration.

“I’ve been using GEM geophysics since they began in 2003 on many projects within Australia and overseas (e.g. Fiji, Vietnam, Tanzania). GEM are a well run, very reliable and responsible group and their hard-working crews consistently deliver high quality EM data with good productivity. They are able to efficiently mobilise though borders to remote sites, respect local people, and use local assistance where needed”.

Paul Mutton Consulting Geophysicist at Touchstone Geophysics.

“I have used GEM for surface and down-hole EM surveys on numerous projects around Australia over the past 10 years. The data quality and production rates have always been excellent, and GEM’s crews are consistently experienced and professional. The Jessy Deeps SQUID sensor coupled with GEM’s 100A transmitter provides an excellent combination of sensitivity and power, and at a very competitive rate. I have no hesitation in recommending GEM to explorers looking for a reliable TEM survey company”.

Kelvin Blundell Consulting Geophysicist

“I’ve utilised GEM Geophysics since their inception in 2003 on numerous mineral exploration projects within Australia and certainly have no hesitation in recommending their crews for all forms of ground/DH EM surveys. I’ve always been very impressed with crew data quality, production rates and overall consistency/reliability using the latest EM technology at often very remote exploration sites. GEM have clearly played an instrumental role in a number of major base metal discoveries I’ve been involved with as well as across the broader exploration industry”

Russell Mortimer- Consulting Geophysicist at Southern Geoscience Consultants